Make these 6 Daiquiris at home and melt with the taste
Sanz Cocktails·
The Daiquiri is one of the truly great classics in cocktail making, originally a Cuban mix it has spread all over the world. We simply had to compile some nice chilled recipes that are appetising at any time during summer as today is World Daiquiri Day. So, make these 6 Daiquiris at home and melt with the taste.
Strawberry Daiquiri. Click on the photo to see the recipe.
All with their magic and special touches thanks to the overall recipe and their spirits. Do you fancy making them at home? Bottoms up and let´s celebrate World Daiquiri Day in a delicious way!
Of the great talents and devotees of cocktail making, today we are paying attention to the work of Kevin Ovando. He considers himself an ardent lover of Tiki cocktails due to their culture, style and great exotic variety. The kind of fighter who commits to bartender development and training. The kind that does not stagnate, therefore his […]
Our version of the classic Voodoo Grog comes to your life on the most terrifying week of the year. This mini tiki with bleeding gums is not going to allow you to emerge unscathed from Halloween night, its Voodoo will get you hooked when you try it, ensuring you always return to it! A drink that […]
Sanz Strawberry Purée is on the market! It is here now, we could not wait to tell you and the day has arrived. If we tell you that there is an 88% fruit purée that you do not need to freeze in order to enjoy the spectacular taste, that when closed it lasts for a […]
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