Learn the liquid Nitrogen technique in cocktail making.
Sanz Cocktails·
What is liquid nitrogen used for? Using it, you can almost instantly freeze any product it comes into contact with, this also means that the texture changes.
✔️ You need to know that ingredients with a higher fat contain obtain great results, for example, sorbets.
-The use of this technique in cooking is well-known although relatively new, so in cocktail making we have been creating with it since “almost” recently.
The first person to experiment with the culinary technique was the Frenchphysical chemist Hervé This in the mid-nineties, followed by the chefs Heston Blumenthal and Ferran Adrià.
-It is one of the most abundant elements in the Earth´s atmosphere.
-The air that we breathe contains almost 80% nitrogen, a colourless, odourless and insipid gas.
-Liquid nitrogen is pure nitrogen in a liquid state and its temperature is -196 degrees.
⚠️ First of all, take care when handling Nitrogen!
⚠️ Do not consume or put anything in your mouth that has directly come out of the liquid nitrogen bath. It is fatal.
-Use protective gloves and goggles to avoid burning yourself.
-Work with it in a well-ventilated space, as when nitrogen evaporates it displaces oxygen and this can be fatal in a small poorly ventilated room.
-Never seal it or bottle it: liquid nitrogen needs to be constantly evaporating, if you cover it, you produce pressure and it explodes. Therefore, specific containers are used like the ones that you will see in the video.
▫️Progressively add the nitrogen and do not stop stirring until you obtain the right texture and it ends up like the one you see by Luis Inchaurraga.
❤️ We hope that you like it and if you try it, we would be delighted to see your photos of the process through the Facebook and Instagram networks. Don´t forget to tag us so we can do it: @sanzcocktails.
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