How to make Quetzal. Non-alcoholic cocktail recipe. How good is it to be able to have a non-alcoholic cocktail and be able to enjoy it, and how amazing is it to see how such TOP recipes are created and how even the finest details are taken care of, from the ingredients to the appearance.
This non-alcoholic Quetzal looks amazing doesn´t it? The person responsible for this wonder is Luis Inchaurraga, so … you need to try creating it and then drink it! Cheers! Today is world alcohol-free day and we want to celebrate it the way it deserves.

◽2 oz Seedlip Groove 42
◽1/2 oz lemon juice
◽1/2 oz bergamot juice
◽3/4 oz Ginger and Chilli syrup @sanzcocktails
◽Top of grapefruit soda
◽Shake all the ingredients with ice except for the grapefruit juice
◽Double strain into the glass full of ice rocks.
◽Finish with the grapefruit juice and mix using the bar spoon
◽Decorate it with a rim of hibiscus salt and a wedge of lime
Cocktail made by @LuisInchaurraga for @sanzcocktails