Discover our white chocolate syrup

Sanz Cocktails ·

  • Combine it with strawberry and spices such as pepper and exotic citrus fruits such as bergamot and Yuzu.

Several years of study, effort and a lot of commitment were needed to obtain the ideal formula for an exceptional and genuine white chocolate. In the image we tell you about this flavour.

Did you know that Luis Inchaurraga is fascinated by the creamy and unctuous texture provided by the cocktails?

If you continue reading you will see how these two upcoming recipes with White chocolate look… You will be licking your lips, we promise!



1 1/2 oz vodka Krolowa
1 espresso
1/4 oz Nordpol coffee liqueur
4 fresh raspberries
1/2 oz white chocolate syrup @sanzcocktails

?￰゚マᄐHow to make it?
·Shake all the ingredients with ice
·Double strain into an Old Fashion glass filled with ice stones



2 oz Mulata white aged rum
1/2 oz fresh lime juice
1/2 oz orgeat syrup @sanzcocktails

?￰゚マᄐHow to make it?
·Shake all the ingredients with ice
·Double strain into a chilled Martini glass



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