In the next chapter of the #SanzCocktailsSeries we are going to show you, alongside Luis Inchaurraga how to make layered cocktails along with 3 very different cocktails where you can apply 3 different ways of serving the ingredients in layers. Really visual and delicious!
This cocktails are formed by ingredients served in layers.
FORMULA: Serve these kinds of ingredients in this order:
▪️1st The lower the level of alcohol and higher the level of sugar, the heavier the ingredient will be: fruit purée or syrup.
▪️2nd Liqueurs: high sugar content and low alcohol.
▪️The exception to this rule are cream liqueurs and cream as they float, so you can serve them as the last ingredient on top of the cocktail.
⭕️ Visit our YouTube channel because we have very important notes to share with you, so don´t overlook the text accompanying the video.
Remember, if any query arises, leave your comments below the video so we can help you.
#layeredcocktails #cocktailmakingtechniques
Video: Ave Mono
Music: Jason Shaw ‘Acoustic Blues’ Under Creative Commons 3.0 license (CC BY 3.0 US)
The decoration is vital for the aesthetic and feel that the end cocktail offers. That is why we are going to show you how to create decorations for cocktails. We are going to show you 3 types of peels for creating a professional decoration that is thin, elegant and perfect. WHAT DO YOU NEED? ▫️A good […]
The paths of life sometimes create a synergy in life in a magic and substantial way. Hence our luck to cross paths with Jesús Giménez [@frangotiki ], a top bartender residing in Lima, Peru and a devotee of Tiki cocktail making. He has history, charisma, power and a voice within the world of cocktail making. […]
Today, we are bringing you 5 Gin cocktails and their irresistible recipes, as well as some interesting facts about the history of Gin on World Gin Day, always held on the 2nd Saturday of June. ▪️Like many spirits, it emerged as a medicinal remedy. ▪️The 1st distillation took place in Holland in the 17th century […]
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